Monday, October 31, 2011

Day Thirty-Eight

Happy Halloween!

Your unit tests will be returned to you in tomorrow's class. There are still 3 people who need to write the test.

Today we are introducing the second unit of the course: Human Systems. We discussed that today the 7 BILLIONTH person on the planet will be born. If you'd like to see what your 'number' is on the planet, click on the link below:

We looked at The Global Village (handout) and discussed what the world's population looks like.
We also did a short note on Population Density and Distribution.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day Thirty-Seven

Test Day!

I'll see many of you at Halloween for Hunger tonight! Click here to see what it's all about and find out where your fundraising $$$ goes.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day Thirty-Six

Today was a test review day. Students were given cue cards to write review questions on and practice with their friends. We also played a review game: Congratulations to the 'Erosions'!

Test tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day Thirty-Five


This is because today's 'Funny Money' assembly took the entire period.

However, you will need to show me your test review at the start of tomorrow's class to get the full 10 knowledge marks!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day Thirty-Four

Today is the last day we will spend on unit one and our study of Ecozones. You will do a short exercise to understand the 4 geographic characteristics that are used to name Ecozones.

We will be having a unit test on Thursday. Click here to find the test review that will be handed out in class. Please prepare your study notes!

Day Thirty-Three (Monday)

We have finally come to the end of the first unit with our last topic: Ecozones.
If you need an extra copy of the handout, please see me or check in the 'extras' binder at the side of the room!

Please click here to see the short powerpoint presentation!

Please note that there will be a unit 1 test this Thursday! You will receive review questions in tomorrow's class.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day Thirty-Two

Today's challenge: Creating a New Map of Canada

This is a pair activity that will require you to create a new map of Canada based on landform, climate, vegetation, and soil regions! Due at the end of class!

The assignments can be picked up from me if you were away.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day Thirty-One (Thursday)

Today we finished our ppt. lesson on vegetation and soil regions of Canada.

There were two sets of questions. The first was on the topic of Natural Vegetation Regions of Canada:

Read pages 162-164.

1. What 2 variables determine which plants will grow in a region?

2. What is a vegetation region?

3. Explain what is meant by the term ‘natural vegetation’? What are the 3 main types in Canada? Which is dominant in Canada?

4. What is a transition zone?

The second set was on the topic of the Mixedwood Forest of Ontario.

Read page 167.

1. What does the term ‘Mixed’ mean in the name?

2. True or false. The Mixed Forest of Ontario is a transition zone?

3. List some of the reasons why this region is no longer an excellent resource for the lumber industry?

4. What is special about the humus layer in this region’s soil?

You completed class by finishing a 'typical soil profile' diagram and word search!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day Thirty

We had a bit of a challenge today: no power in the outlets! But the lights were working!

I gave everyone a handout on Soil and Vegetation Regions ... and then the power came back! I started a ppt. lecture on Vegetation Regions, the difference between deciduous and coniferous forests (different characteristics for each).

I will post the ppt. tomorrow after we finish with Soil Regions!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day Twenty-Nine

Today we missed our current event! This means that we will have 2 current events tomorrow (Matt and Richard). Please don't forget to hand in the completed yellow sheet.

I challenged you with two tasks today:
1) Climate questions
2) Climate word search and word scramble (prizes for our winners!)

Click here to find the question sheet!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day Twenty-Eight

I hope you had a lovely class with Mr. Bauer today and you all treated him like a guest of honour!

Today you:
- handed in your climate graph assignment
- completed a handout that required you to 'read' and compare climate graph information
- answered some textbook questions on the Climate Regions of Canada:

Read pages 154-157

1. Examine the map of Climate Regions (Figure 13-12, page 154). Name the eight climate regions of Canada.

2. What climate region do we live in?

3. Use the climate graphs in Figure 13-15 on page 157. Which city's climate graph represents our region?

4. Outline the general climate of our regions, such as temperature and precipitation data from the climate graph.

5. Describe the winter and summer climate conditions from these data on the climate graph.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Days Twenty-Six & Twenty-Seven

Sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone with my irregular blog updates over the last week. Unfortunately I had some technical difficulties with the website ... but it looks as though everything is back on track! Here is a brief run down of what we covered on Thursday and Friday:

- Wonderful current events presentations by Erich and Salina. Well done!
- Finished watching 'Patterns of Climate' film and filling in the handout (LOWER-Near Water).
Challenge yourself to explain 'relief precipitation'!
- If you would like more information on the factors affecting climate, please see Chapter 13 in your textbook!

- We started learning about Climate Graphs (aka 'Climagraphs'). We did a practice climate graph as a class using Acton climate information (from Environment Canada), and then you were given a Climate Graph Assignment.

Homework for the weekend: Climate Graph Assignment

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day Twenty-Five

Thank you Hannah for your Current Event presentation! On deck for tomorrow: Erich.

We finished our group task illustrating the difference between weather and climate. Thank you to those groups who volunteered to present their work ... though I think we need a lesson on how to do group presentations!

We started our lesson on factors that affect climate. You will need to memorize the acronym 'L.O.W.E.R. Near Water'. You received a film sheet (not on the blog, you will have to pick one up from me) and provide descriptions for each of the factors. We will finish the film at the start of tomorrow's class.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day Twenty-Four

Welcome back! I hope you all had a fabulous, summery long weekend...

Today Daniel will start class with his current event presentation.

We will review some of the important concepts we learned last week.

Click here to access the Powerpoint Presentation from today's class.

Please complete the following reading and questions from the text on the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland region:

Read pages 135-137.

1. What region separates the two parts of the lowland? Where is it located?
2. What is the rock type?
3. Outline Niagara Escarpment's location and famous features.
4. Describe, in detail, the landscape of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands. What forces created this landscape?
5. Why is this landscape ideal for both agriculture and urban areas (cities)?

We ended class by discussing some of the differences between Weather and Climate (please see the powerpoint presentation above, the last few slides).

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day Twenty-Three

Thank you Lindsay for your very interesting current event! Perhaps you can send me a link to a website to be shared with the other students?

Textbook questions from today:

The Canadian Shield
Read pages 130-133.

1. How old is the Canadian Shield?
2. What does the Shield look like today?
3. What are Metallic Minerals? Name some.
4. Why is the Canadian Shield called a ‘storehouse of metallic minerals’?
5. Name three major cities where mining occurs. Include 3 characteristics.
6. What does bedrock mean?
7. Explain why the Shield is an excellent place for hydroelectric generation.

HOMEWORK: You were also given (sorry!) a homework sheet for the weekend. Click here to access it.

Day Twenty-Two

Thank you Breanna for your very enthusiastic and passionate story about puppy mills in Ontario. Click here to access a news link to read more on the topic.

Today we spent a large part of the class finishing your Regions of Acton assignment. Please remember to complete both sides of the handout. It was due at the end of class!

The rest of class was spent working on the following questions from the text on the topic of Landform Regions of Canada:


1. Define Topography.
2. What is a landform region? Use your own words.
3. Examine Figure 12-5.
a. How many landform regions are there in Canada?
b. Which landform region is the largest?
c. Which landform region is the smallest?
d. In which landform region do you live in?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day Twenty-One

A special thank you goes out to Kyle for his wonderful current events presentation on 'Ophelia'. Click here to find a link to the story.

Today we continued watching the Geologic Journeys (The Great Lakes) documentary. Please do not lose the handout that accompanies the film! We will be coming back to it tomorrow.

Next, we discussed what makes Canada's 'geology' special? Also: what is the meaning of the term 'region'?

Partner Assignment: Mapping the Regions of Acton High School. Click here to find the writing piece that will be evaluated. You'll need to hand this in with your Acton Map. This assignment is not homework. You will have 15 minutes to complete it at the start of tomorrow's class.

Wednesday's Current Event Presenter: Breanna!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day Twenty (Monday)

Today I introduced an independent assignment: Geography in the News!
Please click here to access the assignment.
Sometime over the semester, you will present a current event in geography to the class. Use the handout as a guide for your presentation. Some of you may want to use powerpoint slides, or organize a class debate, or some other creative idea. I think this will be an interesting opportunity for our class to keep up with local, national, and global events!

Next, you filled in geologic terms from the glossary in your textbook. Please try to explain (in your own words) the difference between erosion and sediments. How are they related, and how are they different?

Finally, we watched the first 10 minutes of David Suzuki's Geologic Journeys: The Great Lakes. Click here to see a description of the show.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day Nineteen

We reviewed the Rock Cycle handout. Please be sure you are able to 'read' the rock cycle diagram for any future tests.

Our study of the Great Lakes:
1) Warm up handout (labelling the G/L, locating major provinces, major cities nearby)
2) Click here to watch that FABULOUS film: The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes. Describe how the great lakes were formed, and list 10 ways humans impact them today!